On the day of the exam:
After filling out the registration form at the reception desk, the patient will undergo a brief clinical interview for data collection and then will be sent to the preparation room, where a vein in the upper limb will be punctured and maintained with saline solution.
A dose of the radioactive tracer will be administered through this venous access and the patient should remain at rest for approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
At the end of the rest period, the patient will be sent to the examination room where he must remain lying on the gurney of the device for about 30 to 40 minutes. It is important for the patient to not move during imaging. The examination will begin with computerized tomography, a phase of rapid duration, and radiological iodinated contrast may or may not be used. Then, the acquisition of functional images will begin.
Depending on the evaluation of the nuclear physician, additional images of the pelvic region may be requested later, so we recommend not scheduling appointments after the examination.
The administration of intravenous diuretics (furosemide) may also be prescribed, according to the evaluation of the nuclear physician.
At the end of the exam, the patient will be discharged, with abundant hydration being recommended.
OE 002 – Version: 04/2024
Made by: DIMEN Technical Team
On the day of the exam:
After filling out the registration form at the reception desk, the patient will undergo a brief clinical interview for data collection and then will be sent to the preparation room, where a vein in the upper limb will be punctured and maintained with saline solution.
A dose of the radioactive tracer will be administered through this venous access and the patient should remain at rest for approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
At the end of the rest period, the patient will be sent to the examination room where he must remain lying on the gurney of the device for about 30 to 40 minutes. It is important for the patient to not move during imaging. The examination will begin with computerized tomography, a phase of rapid duration, and radiological iodinated contrast may or may not be used. Then, the acquisition of functional images will begin.
Depending on the evaluation of the nuclear physician, additional images of the pelvic region may be requested later, so we recommend not scheduling appointments after the examination.
The administration of intravenous diuretics (furosemide) may also be prescribed, according to the evaluation of the nuclear physician.
At the end of the exam, the patient will be discharged, with abundant hydration being recommended.
OE 002 – Version: 04/2024
Made by: DIMEN Technical Team
0800 011 0202
CNPJ 45.261.628/0001-89
Rua Monte Aprazível, 187
Cj.505 - Campinas/SP
CEP 13.090-764