There is no specific preparation.
After filling out the registration form at the reception, the patient will undergo a brief clinical interview to check their data and then will be sent to the exam room.
In the exam room, the patient will be positioned in front of the device and must remain seated. Drops of radioactive material and saline will be instilled into the outer corner of each eye.
Static images will be acquired 5 and 10 minutes after instillation of the radioactive material.
Subsequently, saline solution will be instilled in each eye to stimulate the progression of radioactive material through the tear ducts and new static images will be acquired 5 and 10 minutes later.
In the case of children, we may acquire only 1 image at 20 minutes, to prevent them from crying too much and eliminating the radioactive material instilled.
During image acquisition, the patient may not move their head.
Note: the radioactive material does not cause pupil dilation or irritation of the conjunctiva.
OE 008 – Version: 04/2024
Made by: DIMEN Technical Team
There is no specific preparation.
After filling out the registration form at the reception, the patient will undergo a brief clinical interview to check their data and then will be sent to the exam room.
In the exam room, the patient will be positioned in front of the device and must remain seated. Drops of radioactive material and saline will be instilled into the outer corner of each eye.
Static images will be acquired 5 and 10 minutes after instillation of the radioactive material.
Subsequently, saline solution will be instilled in each eye to stimulate the progression of radioactive material through the tear ducts and new static images will be acquired 5 and 10 minutes later.
In the case of children, we may acquire only 1 image at 20 minutes, to prevent them from crying too much and eliminating the radioactive material instilled.
During image acquisition, the patient may not move their head.
Note: the radioactive material does not cause pupil dilation or irritation of the conjunctiva.
OE 008 – Version: 04/2024
Made by: DIMEN Technical Team
0800 011 0202
CNPJ 45.261.628/0001-89
Rua Monte Aprazível, 187
Cj.505 - Campinas/SP
CEP 13.090-764